Kindergarten in SW Las Vegas

Kindergarten at Legacy Traditional SW Las Vegas

Our Tuition-FREE Full-Day Kindergarten program in Southwest Las Vegas empowers young learners to be ready for school and set them up for success in life.  Our traditional, not ordinary, curriculum will help your child discover and develop an interest in learning while having fun. We focus on the academic essentials so your child feels empowered in learning.

Limit spots available. Enroll Today! >


Why Choose Kindergarten at Legacy?

Our teachers focus on activities that will help your child develop in areas of language, math, reading readiness, and creativity. We also provide parents with a welcome guide that contains materials and information to reinforce what kindergarteners learn in school and enhance their learning skills.

The Legacy Team prepares your child to meet and exceed the state and local education requirements for first grade. We feel the most important academic skills for your child entering Kindergarten are:

English Language Arts

Our language arts program is based on the Spalding Method using The Writing Road to Reading (2012). As a total language arts program, Spalding integrates direct instruction in listening, speaking, spelling, writing, and reading. The Spalding mission is to develop skilled readers, critical listeners, accomplished speakers, spellers, writers, and lifelong learners. The following are crucial components of the Language Arts program:

  • Composition
  • Oral Communication
  • Reading/Literature
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary

enVision Math

enVision focuses on deep conceptual math understanding aided by visual models, student-centered projects, three- act tasks, and personalized learning. enVision is set up in units where lessons will progress from introduction to more complex usage.